Friday, September 21, 2012


Best changing the way we heal Panic and Anxiety online

Explore your inner-self
The actual psychological personality of a person is referred to as the "self" of a person. Each one of us has a hidden self within us, but we are not aware of it. A human being thinks that it is his consciousness that lead his actions. Actually, our inner self guides our behavior in our day-to-day life. This self is constructed and undergoes transformation with the passage of time as we experience new things. Ego also forms a part of our inner self. It makes us fight for our own identity in the world. It stresses on an individual existence of a human being separated from others. This will make an individual proud and selfish. He will neglect certain facts, which will be an obstacle in his self-awareness and thereby degrading his self-development. Thus for the development of the inner-self, the foremost step is self-introspection. This means that an individual should look within himself and analyze his own personality. This way he will be able to make out his own strengths and weaknesses. After this, it will be easy for him to take on to the methods that add on to his strengths and subtract his weaknesses. A person will then become more attracted towards the positive ways of life. This can be selfless service towards humanity and moving away from the negative thoughts of life such as jealousy and frustration. This will lead to the healing of the inner-self.

Another way of self-healing is to take on an optimistic attitude towards life. Many of us are prone to pessimistic thinking, which is the reason why they fail to realize the possibility of a solution to the problem. Taking on a positive and constructive attitude will give an individual the strength to face the problems of life and seek a solution to the same.

Self-healing add on to the energy level of an individual and also aids in curing disorders like insomnia, aches, depression, and various physical and mental ailments. Meditation and yoga are some of the other ways that helps a person in the realization of a higher self.

Meditation is a method of healing that helps to think above his own individuality and think for the development of humanity as a whole. It is a three way process that works through self-regulation, self-exploration and self-liberation. It helps us to keep a check on our animal desires and improves our concentration. This brings out our potential by way of several exercises and strengthens our character. It leads us to a spiritual realization and bridges the gap between our real and true self. Moreover, by making we realize our mistakes and weaknesses it brings about a transformation in our personality. Last but not the least, it reveals to us the truth of life and death and contributes in one's process of self-healing. Yoga, on the other hand, helps in achieving the tranquility of mind. It provides relaxation and reduces stress that helps in self-healing.

Self-love is a method of transformation of our inner self. Every person has the desire that the thing or the person he loves should always be perfect. Therefore, if a person will love himself then, no doubt, he will make all the efforts to transform and develop himself and be a better person. "Reiki" is a method that helps in self-healing. The person expert in this method can heal any diseases weather physical or mental and thereby by its vibes cures a person and leads to self-healing of his inner-self. Thus, many methods help in self-healing individual just needs to make efforts for the same.


Changing the way we heal Panic and Anxiety Click here.


Battling Depression without Medication

In fact, you can treat it without taking any medication if you make concentrated efforts to come out of the condition; it is in your own hands to treat yourself. Here are some natural ways to manage and treat the condition of depression. This treatment has more to do with your present lifestyle.

I. The very first step is to analyze your present diet and eating pattern. Avoid refined sugars and cut them out of your diet as much as possible if you are dealing with depression. They increase the level of serotonin in the brain that boosts the effects of depression. When feeling depressed, people crave sugary foods. It is better to avoid sugar completely.

II. Eating a well balanced diet is more important than medicines for depression. Include a variety of foods in your diet, which have multi vitamins. It will increase the metabolism of your body and help it function properly. There is a popular saying that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body…

III. Besides taking care of your diet, regular exercise is an important way to battle depression. Exercise can lift your moods for hours if performed even for minutes. It gives you an adrenaline rush and a natural high.

IV. Go out in the fresh air and get some sunlight. An exposure of sunlight even for 10-15 minutes can lift your mood drastically. A morning walk routine can do wonders to improve your condition. If for any reason, you cannot get sunlight, arrange for a light box. Looking at the light from the light box can help fight depression.

V. Get good sleep everyday to keep your body functioning well and to fight depression. A lack of sleep results in poor body functioning, depression, irritation and other such conditions. It is important to have 7-9 hours of sleep daily at night. If needed, you can have a short nap during the day.

VI. Meditation and praying are very good ways if you are battling depression. They keep your mind and soul at peace and will keep your mood in control. Most people who follow a prayer routine daily are never depressed. Depression is a symptom of worthlessness and failure in one's life. Prayers help maintain a positive attitude in life, that is very important to fight depression.

VII. If you are battling depression, do not hide yourself from the world; in fact, seek friends, call them, be social and share your feelings. It gives your feelings a vent and keeps depression in control.

VIII. If you are dealing with depression on your own, it is better to journal your moods and thoughts, triggers to your depression, the pattern, and other things. It will help you avoid those things that trigger depression.

IX. If nothing works, you can seek professional help - that does not always means taking medicines. These professionals know how to treat depression in natural way using talk therapy and other odalities. You can also get help online with reliable depression support website.

Panic Away Click here

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